GHY Classify
HS Classification Simplified. In order to eliminate tariff classification complexity, we offer you our Classify Tool, which provides answers instantly, accurately, and consistently. The only known artificial intelligence (AI) solution used worldwide by numerous government agencies (including Canada’s Auditor General and U.S. Customs.)
Why Use Our Classify Tool?
- The Importer is responsible for accurate tariff classification. This tool will enhance the supply chain collaborative process
- Manufacturing customers often request a Free Trade Certificate (including a tariff classification) to support their USMCA/CUSMA programs
- Shipping goods outside of Canada often requires a tariff classification
- Supporting an Audit Trail for a Trade Compliance Program
Features of Our Classify Tool
- Allows users to describe their goods in everyday commercial terminology, including eponymous trade names, CAS numbers, and common acronyms;
- Takes into account product attributes, including weights and measures;
- Distinguishes between parts and wholes;
- Interacts intuitively and intelligently with users to resolve exceptions;
- Applies HS General Rules of Interpretation and HS Section and Chapter Notes, and;
- Automatically saves transaction details and classification rationale as a Customs-ready audit trail.
- The Importer is responsible for accurate tariff classification. This tool will enhance the supply chain collaborative process.
- Manufacturing customers often request a NAFTA Certificate (including a tariff classification) to support their USMCA/CUSMA programs.
- Shipping goods outside of Canada often requires a tariff classification.
- Supporting an Audit Trail for a Trade Compliance Program.
Client Testimonials on GHY Classify
“Ten Thousand Villages is very satisfied with GHY’s innovative Classify product. Our Import Department leverages the costing accuracy & trade compliance support tool on a daily basis. It has offered effortless automation to what was previously a labour-intensive and inefficient process. The tool has significantly improved our accuracy and effectiveness and we appreciate the audit trail it provides. The Classify tool is just one example of GHY’s commitment to continuously adding relationship and technological value to our partnership.” – Ann Marie Gaouette-Stevenson | Director of Operations – Ten Thousand Villages Canada
“We have been a long standing customer of GHY. Recently they’ve enhanced their online tools and added GHY Classify. This is an HS Classification tool that enables the customer to classify their products accurately, and is designed to take the complexities out of classifying goods. You are taken through various steps of the classification process, to finally arrive at the classification you are seeking. I simply love it! One final thought…..GHY is an awesome broker for taking care of their clients’ needs and offering the best possible online tools and solutions to run a pain free customs compliance program.” – Jamal Ahmed, CCS, LCB, CTCS | Customs Compliance Officer – Toromont Industries Inc.