CARM – Concerns on Implementation in May 2024

Trade Update • Feb 8, 2024

im Campbell of IE Canada goes on record to detail to the Standing Committee on International Trade the concerns and implications of CARM’s full implementation in May 2024.

Watch the video excerpt —->.


This final release/implementation of CARM Release 2 is targeted for May 2024. Once it goes into effect, importers and trade partners will have access to the portal’s full functionalities and be able to complete and manage their import processes online.

Though importer security is mandatory (at the launch of Release 2 which is targeted for implementation in May 2024), importers have choices regarding the type of security they can obtain. GHY can provide you with more understanding and better insights to help you make the choice that best suits your business needs.

Find out all the details you need to know on CARM through our guide.




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