CARM Release 2 Playbook and User Guides are now available!

Trade Update • Nov. 2, 2023

The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) digital initiative is changing how CBSA assesses and collects duties and taxes on commercial goods imported into Canada.

Before May 2024, importers and other trade chain partners need to register and adapt their systems and business practices. Getting aligned with CARM now will help you avoid interruptions and delays later.

CARM Release 2 Playbook and Release 2 User Guides are now available on the CARM Google drive! These documents will help you understand CARM Client Portal processes that will Go-Live at Release 2.

The CARM Release 2 Playbook is a holistic end-to-end document of the CARM functionalities from a Trade Chain Partner (TCP) perspective. The intent is to provide clarity and context for business processes when transacting with the CBSA through the CARM Client Portal (CCP), while detailing considerations and scenarios that can help TCPs effectively and efficiently navigate this functionality.

The CARM Release 2 User Guides are detailed step-by-step guides with information about how to start using CARM functionalities. The intent is to help TCPs learn how to use specific functionalities and provide instructions on how to execute processes on the CARM Client Portal. The User Guides include screenshots to help you walk through these functionalities.

To view the CARM Playbook and User Guides, click here.

Source: CARM Engagement Team | CSCB

For more information on CARM please visit our webpage, or contact us by email, or phone at 1-833-GHY-CARM.

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