Trade Update • APRIL 4, 2022
Ahead of of a March 31st virtual meeting, U.S. Customs and Border Protection last week published a variety of issue papers covering the following topics:
Intelligent Enforcement
- Executive Summary
- Forced Labor Issue Paper
- AD/CVD External Issue Paper
- Bond External Issue Paper
- Intellectual Property Rights Issue Paper
Rapid Response
Next Generation Facilitation
- Executive Summary
One U.S. Government at the Border (1USG) Issue Paper - 21st Century Customs Framework (21CCF) Issue Paper
- ACE 2.0 Issue Paper
- eCommerce Issue Paper
Secure Trade Lanes
- Executive Summary
- Export Modernization Issue Paper
- In-bond Issue Paper
- Remote and Autonomous Processing Issue Paper
- Trusted Trader Issue Paper
The COAC advises the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Commissioner of CBP on the commercial operations of CBP and other related Department functions.