Changes to Import Requirements for Raw Fresh/Frozen Poultry Products and By-Products from the United Kingdom



Trade Update • August 18, 2022


he Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is harmonizing import requirements with the United Kingdom (UK) for products imported from countries with outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). As of August 23, 2022, imports of raw fresh/frozen poultry meat and products from the UK must meet the following requirements.

Note that these conditions apply to both edible and inedible raw fresh/frozen poultry meat and poultry products

  • Additional animal health attestations in regards to HPAI will now be required for all shipments of raw fresh/frozen poultry meat and poultry products from the UK when there are active outbreaks of HPAI
  • The attestation will state that the poultry did not originate from a zone under restriction, or from a premises within a 10 km radius of an HPAI control zone, for 90 days prior to slaughter
  • These attestations may be included in an annex to the zoosanitary certificate or the Official Meat Inspection Certificate (OMIC)
  • The veterinary competent authority of the UK have been provided with the wording that will be required
  • Shipments of poultry meat and meat products from the UK that have already been certified prior to this change will be permitted to enter Canada
  • Any shipments certified on or after August 23, 2022 must be accompanied by the updated attestation requirement. There will be a transition period of 2 months (until October 23, 2022) where product will be accepted for import using either the previous or new conditions

If you have any questions about these changes, we are always here to help, contact us.


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