Update: Implementation of HS 2022 Delayed, CBP Advises
Trade Update • DECEMBER 21, 2021
In a recent Cargo Service Message, U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it “understands that the five-year World Customs Organization harmonized tariff schedule update will not take effect January 1, 2022.”
The agency states that it is “awaiting formal direction” for this update, which will be implemented by Presidential Proclamation and published in the Federal Register. As noted in a previous post about this issue, the tariff changes may only be made after the expiration of a 60-day waiting period that begins once the president submits a report to the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee and to the Senate Finance Committee.
In the meantime, CBP will continue using the current harmonized tariff schedule and “encourages the trade community to do the same until further guidance is provided.”