Track CPSC-Regulated Imports with New Tool

Trade Update • July 23, 2024


mporters of Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulated goods can now track their shipments status through a new tool here. This will also benefit customs brokers who will no longer be required to email CPSC for a status update on shipments.

CPSC Import Shipment Tracking Tool

This tool allowa importers and customs brokers to check the status of shipments using the shipment’s Entry Number with the customs broker’s filer code included and Entry Line Number (optional).

Please be sure to remove all hyphens from the entry number to track the shipment. Using this tool will bring visibility to the shipment’s status and the remaining time left for CPSC to review the shipment.

Some Discrepancies

It is important to note that there is a system discrepancy when looking at multiple days left on the clock – while CPSC counts business hours, the system is counting total (business and non-business) hours left. CPSC is looking to see if it can make technical adjustments to the system.

Questions about using this new tracking tool? We are always here to help, contact us.


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