U.S. Extends Section 232 Tariff Relief For Ukraine

Trade Update • June 14, 2023

he United States will extend by one year (June 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024) the temporary suspension of the 25 percent Section 232 tariffs on steel and derivative steel products imported from Ukraine. The United States also expanded the relief by suspending Section 232 tariffs on steel articles from the European Union that are made from steel that originated in Ukraine.

“Over the last year, the United States has provided a much-needed market for the steel that Ukraine is able to export. In doing so, Americans are directly supporting the people of Ukraine, many of whom rely on Ukraine’s steel industry for their economic well-being,” said Secretary Raimondo. “Thanks to President Biden’s leadership in signing this Presidential Proclamation, today’s announcement is a signal to the Ukrainian people that our commitment to them remains unwavering in the face of Russia’s aggression.”

What’s Exempted

Imports of steel articles from Ukraine that entered a U.S. foreign-trade zone (FTZ) under privileged foreign status before June 1, 2022, as well as imports of steel articles from an EU member country where the steel used in the article was melted and poured in Ukraine and entered an FTZ under privileged foreign status after June 1, 2023, will be exempt from Section 232 tariffs upon entry.

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