Learn more about how to post security, your options and how to obtain a bond.
CARM – Delegate Authority
GHY2024-10-29T17:19:03+00:00Learn more about How to Delegate Authority in CARM to various assigned parties.
CARM – Client Portal Registration
GHY2024-10-29T17:18:53+00:00Learn about how to register as a user and/or as a business in the CARM Client Portal.
How to Use a Canadian Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) for Your Import-Export Business
GHY2024-04-30T16:53:34+00:00Find out how leveraging a Canadian Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) and its associated programs can be the key to the success of your business. In this guide, we'll provide you with a comprehensive overview of a Canadian FTZ and its programs, who can benefit from them, how to participate, and the myriad advantages offered while addressing potential challenges.
Statement of Account
GHY2024-04-09T00:47:59+00:00This guide will provide an overview of what you need to know and do to access your account balance with the CBSA and find out if credits are available to your organization. Apply today!
What Documents are Required for Customs Entry?
GHY2023-09-09T00:00:06+00:00This guide will provide an overview what documents do you need to provide to for a Customs Entry in order to import your goods successfully.
How to Become a Non-Resident Importer
GHY2023-09-08T23:27:50+00:00In this guide, we will explore the essential aspects of this unique and advantageous role. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key requirements, benefits, and strategies for successfully navigating the complex landscape of becoming a Non-Resident Importer in Canada.
Duty Recovery/Refund
GHY2024-12-11T18:04:36+00:00This guide will provide an overview of what you need to know and do to turn overpaid Customs duties on your imports into business savings. Determine if you’re entitled to a refund on paid import duties and recover that money for you. Get started here.
Manifest Confidentiality: How to Protect US Import Data
GHY2024-01-25T20:08:13+00:00This guide serves to offer a clear overview of two key aspects: the significance of safeguarding your US trade data and the specific methods available to achieve this goal. We will elaborate on the three distinct methods that importers, consignees, and shippers have at their disposal.
How to Import into Canada
GHY2024-01-15T17:05:51+00:00This guide will provide an overview of what you need to know and do before importing goods into Canada in 5 easy steps. We will also walk you through the importation process and documentation required to minimize complexities and time at the border.